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The world’s premier host community

The world’s premier host community

RentalHost is available now!

Download the app in the iOS App Store or Android Google Play Store below.

RentalHost is available now!

Download the app in the iOS App Store or Android Google Play Store below.

Don’t have a smartphone or don’t want to use the RentalHost app?

Get started with the RentalHost website below:

If you are a guest using RentalHost, click below to sign in or create an account.

If you are a host using RentalHost, click below to sign in or create an account.

Vacation hosting made simple.

Automate your business and connect with your guests wherever you are. RentalHost makes complex tasks feel effortless. Your guests will feel right at home with RentalHost.


Instant messaging

No more late night phone calls. Keep in touch with guests whenever they have a request.

Automatic rental contracts

RentalHost creates, sends, and accepts rental contracts to guests.

Automated, secure payments

Automatic payments deposited right into your account.

Always in touch

Stay with guests wherever they go. Early check-in? Send them an instant notification to let them know.

One solution for all hosts.

RentalHost has been build to be a perfect tool for hosts of all sizes. RentalHost provides the same intimate, smooth, and enjoyable guest experience from booking to check-out – whether a host manages one property or hundreds.

A delight to use – for both hosts and guests

RentalHost provides a clean, intuitive user experience for both guest and hosts in the same mobile application.

Are you a Host with RentalHost? Sign in below: